Hard to believe how much life has passed by. I certainly thought by the year 2010 we'd all be riding around in hovering space cars and wearing lots of metallic. Although if you stop for a moment while in the midst of a public place like a bus or subway car and actually look up only to find the world around you tapping on infinite numbers of electronic gadgets, it's really not a far cry from what I thought 2010 might have been like as a little girl....
I'm still a bit lost at the moment for any sort of creative focus. I thoroughly enjoy catching up on darling Amanda's photography adventures. Years ago we used to write silly stories on the internet and what a gorgeous friendship root planted itself back then. She has found her expression through photography and it suits her well. :)
I sometimes poke around the world of Mr. Coelho for a new thought. I refrain from participating in the discussions, mostly because they tend to cultivate a worship of sorts rather than the introspection in each of us as individuals as (i believe) they are intended to do. But then again, an introspection dpesn't really need to leave the self now does it?
While the husband works (happy 'cotton' anniversary Mr. T) I filter through the years of friendships and acquaintances via Facebook and take the silly quizzes and find out what punk rock star i am (patti smith) and look at pictures of everyone's travels, families, new homes and new toys and wonder what it is about Farmville that entrances the masses the way they do.
I screen the NPR Songs of the Day that I collect in my inbox daily and sift through YouTube's that make me smile like this one:
And just like everyone else in the world from time to time, I feel happy, sad, secure, uncertain, proud, shamed, lonely in public places, overwhelmed in solitude, angry, empathetic and forever wandering.
Happy 2010, everyone.