Still sorting out lots of things.
The weather is changing along with my mood.
I am participating in an art therapy group, which I've loved so far. Only problem is my work schedule sometimes preventing me from making it in. But when I can make it??? It's Awesome, and just what I was looking for in terms of my ongoing treatment.
Still see a therapist. Still see a psychiatrist. Still take an anti-psychotic and anti-anxiety pill. And yep, check. Still have Bipolar. It's not going anywhere.
Saw a whole buncha live music last weekend. I watched The Buzzcocks, Television, Face To Face, Afghan Whigs, Paul Weller, Wu-Tang Clan, Metric, Flaming Lips, The National, Patti Smith, Social Distortion and The Cure. Cool, right? I love music. Live for it, in fact. I love what those artists and performers can do to lift up others. I could never in a million bazillion years get up there on a stage and do what they do.
Plus, I bought a new iPod and have been filling it with all kinds of goodies from the past and present. So Music has been a good therapy as well. As always.
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