Wednesday, February 24, 2016

1 year after a cancer diagnosis

Had my annual mammogram today.  I opted for a single mastectomy last year rather than bilateral because I spoke to a dozen breast cancer survivors who didn't choose the bilateral (double) option because, well, it seemed drastic.  They've been cancer free for many, many years.

Surely it probably eliminates what nervousness I endured today as they performed imaging of my existing other side.  Mammograms are about as pleasant as root canals.  But BAM!  Got the all clear:


My oncologist expressed her amazement at how well I've handled this past year, and how more younger women are receiving a breast cancer diagnosis and how great it would be if I could talk to them. As I've told others, dealing with the mental health industry has prepared me for any future hardship.  I know what to do for support, and by golly, I know how to PROPERLY support others.

It's more than just caring about someone from a distance.  It's being there for someone that will help them get through.

Not just with cancer, but with all mentally exhausting hardships.  Including mental health crises.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Trying new things

So I've started online coursework and I find it very stimulating.  It interesting to me, and it's teaching me skills for something I'd like to try doing in the future.

Life in retail is tough, mostly due to sluggish sales and lack of support from shoppers.  I've approached shopgirl life from many different angles, and it's tough.  Not 'good' challenging, but 'grim' challenging in that you can pull out many tricks from the top hat and still not find success.

When I was little, I wanted to run my own import store.  I wanted to travel to find my wares, meet interesting people and artisans from around the world, and gave interesting stories to discuss with customers back home as they shop for the perfect gift.

I love the art of gift giving.  And I love the art of treasure hunting.  Not just shopping and consumerism for profit, but the art behind connecting with people.

As a lonely child, that was all I wanted: to connect genuinely with people, and maybe even make some friends along the way.

So I'm going to stick with this new learning and certification endeavor and pray and work my hardest for success.  

Just once I'd like to succeed at something and be good at something.