Friday, May 30, 2008

All Things Remarkable V. 1.1

Okay, okay. I'm off to a slow start with this Remarkable thing.

I was going to Remark on the sign I saw some overweight Chicago slob was toting WHILE DRIVING as a statement to some Cubs fans he saw.

Then I was going to Remark on something else. And I can't really remember what that was.

So let me pull something out of my ass for today's Remarkable Thing.




Today there was a power outage at work. The lights dimmed, computers went berserk, escalators stopped, elevator alarm went off.

Except for my department. Every electrical component of my department purred like a kitten.

I felt like I was at the roller rink, and the lights went dim, and I was doing cool moves in the center ring to a Nu Shooz song.

B,b,baby...I-I-I can't wait.

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