Tuesday, December 3, 2013


I hate money.

I hate money problems.

I hate that everyone around me has plenty of it and really do not know what I mean when I say I am broke.

I need to find a higher-paying job.  But I can't deal with the stress and anxiety that comes along with it.

I need a raise at my job for all the things I have taken on.

I need cheaper insurance.

I talk about all this stuff with a therapist, but I had to cancel last session because I did not have the $30 copay.  She told me next time I cancel less than 24 hours from the appointed time (I canceled 22 hours from the appointed time) that she would charge me $70 for a missed session.

I don't think some people get what being financially poor is really like.

I work so hard at finding a life balance, but the MAIN STRESSOR continues to be


I went to the doctor because my blood pressure is high again.  She told me to find another job because the stress is too much for me.  She told me to take a vacation.

I used to load up on Ativan with a former psychiatrist.  She told me when I get stressed to just take a break or just read a book since I worked in a bookstore.

Some people have no friggin idea.

We are going to try and move when our lease is up in spring, and there are some cheaper rents a little north.  But there is gang activity and shootings.  What's the right thing to do?

Oh well.  Guess I'll get ready to go into work on my day off again.

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