Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Untitled Stuff

So I have an old coworker friend who has always shown me kindness and makes me laugh.  He's a great person, and I guess somewhat of an enigma in the eyes of some other work colleagues.  They have a secret Facebook page about him where they post about the funny and remarkable things he says and does.  I submitted one such story about a wonderful memory of him as he lifted me up out of a very difficult period in my life.  And I meant it when I said what a great friend he was/is to me.

Today what's on my mind is HOW MEAN IT IS TO HAVE A SECRET PAGE about a person where people discuss and potentially make fun of a person.  I think if I found out that there was a secret website about me where everyone analyzed every minute detail of everything I said and did, I would suffer a terrible depression and humiliation that I walked this earth feeling so, so alone but that there were a number of people watching me for entertainment like The Truman Show.

The internet is friggin insane.  I don't think people realize they're being mean in their quest for 24/7 entertainment sometimes.  I hate how society singles out certain people saying they "kinda" like a person rather than telling them directly how appreciated they are.

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