Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Real vs. Imaginary

Anyone caught in the turbulence of mania and/or psychosis can probably relate to the questions of what was real and what was imaginary.  I saw people that weren't there, heard whispers and voices from out of nowhere (not frightening ones, by the way), and experiences strange bouts of smell.  Despite the shitty circumstances of Real Life intertwining with my mental illness, I forged through it all as best I could.

Even while stable, however, I find myself second guessing certain things.  For example, one evening after a therapy session, I could have sworn I saw an acquaintance at my usual post therapy bus stop at the time.  But was that real?  I told myself it wasn't real, mainly because I had just poured my heart out in therapy and realized I could have potentially triggered an effect of bipolar and/or PTSD.  I chose not to say a word to the acquaintance to determine if it was real or not, as I didn't want to appear to be the crazy woman talking to invisible people at a bus stop at night.  And so instead I just fiddled with my phone, where there were at least real life friendships and acquaintances in e-format.

But now I wonder.  Maybe my acquaintance was indeed there?  But why wouldn't he say anything?

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