Thursday, April 25, 2013

low blows

Well, my vacation was great.  While it lasted.  Texas is an enormous place filled with so much history and culture and fantastic sites to see.  And great record stores.  And great food.  And there is just so much about the South that I love!  Strangers smile at one another on the streets.  Everything is 'Yes, ma'am.' and 'Yes, sir.'  But the highlight of my trip was seeing my dear grandpa Louis.  He is 92 and my last surviving grandparent.

Work, however, was disastrous today.  After a 2 hour morning management meeting, I was called into the office at 10am and was informed that I am being laid off.  My last day is June 15th.  I was offered a very small severance package, or a transfer into a heavy sales position at a larger location.  WORST FIRST DAY BACK FROM VACATION EVER!!!!!!  My emotions were across the board all day today, and still are at this moment.  The thought of messy unemployment procedures and expensive COBRA insurance and my $900/month prescription gives me terrible anxiety.  My stomach has been in knots.

Needless to say, I poured myself some wine tonight.

Terrible terrible day.

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