Tuesday, May 14, 2013


Yay!  Crisis averted.  Well, not quite yet.  But getting there.  I have accepted a new position with a small family-owned business.  And I am feeling such mega relief from the fact that I will NOT have to endure what I hear are horrors down at the unemployment office.


I will indeed miss the conversations that come with working in a bookstore, but I suppose ANY kind of conversation can come up when your CUSTOMERS become your FRIENDS.  And I hope that my old customers will come in and be my new customers. 

Sadly, I have to say, this line from the job offer stands alone in NEON FLASHING LIGHTS for me:

"We could definitely use someone of your stature to help run our business."

As I mentioned elsewhere, this FINALLY made me feel like an adult!  Who knew when I started selling shoes at age 16 that I would still be a shopgirl TWENTY YEARS LATER!!!

Who knew....

1 comment:

Sara Ryan said...

HOORAY!!! I figured I'd post to this one since this "officially" shares your good news. I'm so so so happy for you. A lot of folks don't realize how incredibly stressful unemployment is until they experience it for themselves. I have, so I know. I'm confident that the rest will work itself out sooner rather than later too.

As for me, I'm all over the place. A LOT has happened since the last time we had any real contact; I've gone through some MAJOR life changes and then some MORE major life changes.Getting your life and yourself back together is no easy task. Don't know if you have time for email (I will MAKE time if it's important to me. Who needs sleep. Well,um... I do, but my friends are important to me!) but I'm still at sryanchesler@gmail.com....say hi anytime and I can give you my number too if that's easier for you. So happy to be in touch with you again! And I really do believe in you! :)