Monday, November 23, 2015

Extending a hand of friendship

I can empathize with people who are reluctant to embrace a thing or an idea or a thought.  Life is so damn complicated and complex and reactions are peppered with doubt and raw emotion.  But in any negotiation, the goal is to allow the other to be heard and respected so some small common ground can be found.

Unbridled animosity builds over time and reluctance to look at something from a different angle becomes a dominating force.  Conviction is one thing, but acceptance and tolerance is important, too.

These are wordy words but I swear the biggest trouble we encounter in this day and age of turbo speed technology is our lack of real, genuine conversation and connection.  Presumptions are made too often, misunderstandings occur every second, and pausing for a moment in the midst of a heated argument might help toward the healing and offer a solution of true collaboration.

Wordy wordy thoughts that I will probably cringe at if I read this later, but I'm going to go with it for a minute and share.

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