When anger is encountered, I hope that more people can step in, together, and lessen anger's dangers.
When someone is dealing with anger, I pray that positive intervention steps in to be able to lessen that person's pain. I pray that the pain is recognized, understood and not minimized with condescension.
When someone is dealing with anger, I pray that they recognize it as anger and are led to healthier ways of dealing with it.
When anger develops into hatred for strangers whom they do not know, I pray that triggers are overcome by a sense of internal divine peace. That may sound like an incredibly hippie dippie prayer, but it's my prayer and I can pray how I want to.
I have dealt with other people's anger all my life, and I have seen its cataclysmic effects in so many incidents throughout my life. It's time for more sensitivity to others' anger, and figuring out strategies to help them channel and work through tough issues so that THE MADNESS OF ANGER can stop.
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