Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Rumors vs Truths

I caught up with a friend from high school last night and was given some revelatory information about an old boyfriend who had an aggressive/violent streak.  I'm not quite sure how to process it all but it will surely be the freaky gossip of our 20th class reunion coming up this summer.

It makes me think about gossip and how we form opinions of others.  Psychologists and psychiatrists do this all the livelong day, and I have found that they are quite quick to judge and label a New Patient without really knowing much about them.  It has taken me years upon years to find quality professionals who honestly want to help me and not make me feel shame for being a bonafide mentally ill person.

Mental health professionals are supposed to retain private patient histories and remain confidential with their knowledge. But why do I get the feeling that may not always be the case?  I think back to all the students and interns in the mix, the aggressive, judgy 'professionals,' the workers who went into psychology to just play and fuck with people who were in a rather vulnerable position.....well, I don't recall a consistently professional environment during the course of various treatments.  It is because of this that so many people refuse professional treatment in their lives.  It can be rather messy.

The psychology of rumors and gossip is an astounding area of study.  Combine shared delusions, religious convictions or lack thereof, remnants of the collective consciousness, faux psychic ability, real psychic ability, and other unspoken truthiness and you've got yourself a whole lifetime worthy of study.  I'm working on a series of paintings regarding folie á deux, folie á trois, folie á quatre, etc and all I can do is paint it.  Because I certainly can't explain this stuff in words....

One of my favorite Mark Twain quotes is as follows:

"A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes."

Truth is only a pursuit for a select few, and I myself am quite particular about what truths I seek.  An element of mystery is essential for me, because I have seen some rather mysterious things with my own two eyes.  But gossip, rumors and lies?  Nah, no thanks.  Most people use it for destructive purposes, and I've grown so tired of destruction in this life.

Sooo, so tired.

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