Saturday, January 11, 2014

The Great Language Divide

Some cousins from Paris are planning an upcoming trip to NYC.  They called me the other day to ask me for trip advice and answer some questions.  As I continue my French studies, small improvement after small improvement start to feel much bigger when they start popping up more frequently.  I am getting more comfortable and gaining more confidence in my French.

Languages are intimidating things.  For the longest time, I felt as if my mind divided itself in half when I immersed myself in French.  I couldn't easily switch back and forth.  But I've been practicing heavily for 23 years now and it's starting to feel like a Major Life Accomplishment.

I had to give up on a call center travel job after a few months into it because I could not comprehend Québécois with ease.  I strained myself and felt foggy trying to converse...I need to visit Quebec to practice some more.

My French is far from perfect, and I still have troubles expressing familial sentiments as my relatives over there shower me with affections in their oh-so-French ways.  But with each conversation, I learn more and more and more and my mind no longer feels SPLIT/divisé en deux.  I cannot put into words  how great that feels.

I'd love to sign up for that French class again.  But it's just not been in my budget.  Time to dig up my livres en français.  A little Guy de Maupassant never hurt anyone.

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