Friday, February 14, 2014

It's Valentine's Day.

feel like I'm walking in molasses on this pill dosage change right now.  I couldn't dance last night because I felt like an awkward, drugged zombie.  Feeling this way does not make me happy.  It makes me very, very depressed in fact.

I'm also tired of the random people who appear every so often who Fuck-With-You-While-They're-Talking-To-You.  I know that doesn't make sense to the ordinary person, but some know what I'm talking about.  When I feel things are askew, I give myself three words of advice:

Be An Indian

...and I walk away from the bullshit.

The following painting was done in my twenties after a psychologist asked me to spell WORLD backwards and I couldn't wrap my mind around the letters.  Many of my paintings are very juvenile.  It's a way for me to escape the complicated, messed-up world of adults and their, uh, games....

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